Sound Scene Express

The Heavy Pets Celebrate 10 Years Tonight

soundsceneexpress November 18, 2015 No Comments on The Heavy Pets Celebrate 10 Years Tonight

The Heavy Pets are coming to town tonight with their melting pot jams, infusing blues, jazz, funk and rock and roll into one.The 5 piece are celebrating their ten year anniversary at Thunderbird Cafe. In that time frame the group put out 7 studio albums, two of which were self produced in 2014. Like any jam band these guys are built for the road and have performed well over 1,000 shows including the best festival’s in the country. With live shows come live album and The Heavy Pets have four to their name.

Pittsburgh/Greensburg jammers, Habatat will be kicking off the evening with their own brand of experimental grooves coupled by the gravely vocals of Ryan Woods, reminiscent of the late Bob”The Bear” Hite of Canned Heat fame. The show starts at 9pm and tickets are $12 at the door. Check out a video of the band below.

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