Sound Scene Express

Thrice Takeover Stage AE

soundsceneexpress October 12, 2016 No Comments on Thrice Takeover Stage AE

w/ La Dispute
& Nothing, Nowhere
Stage AE
September 27, 2016

Photos and recap by Richard Schmid

California band Thrice recently played Stage AE in Pittsburgh on September 27th. The band is touring the US in order to promote their new album “To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere.” The curtain was raised by Nothing, Nowhere. Michigan band La Dispute opened for Thrice.

Smooth Jazz preceded the first act, Nothing, Nowhere. Stage spotlights were aimed at the crowd and helped to convey a small stage feel to the band. The band proceeded to express amazement at being on tour with Thrice and La Dispute and played their set without incident.

Following up and opening for Thrice was La Dispute. Formed in 2004, La Dispute is a spoken-word hardcore band whose lyrics and music deal with loss and depression. La Dispute managed to bring in its own set of fans, one of whom screamed out during the concert “Your music saved my life!” Lead singer Jordan Dreyer was all over the place engaging the crowd, even going so far as to leap into the photo pit after I had left it to hold the microphone out to the crowd. He encouraged the crowd to tell him their troubles and solicited answers. La Dispute also increased the spotlight count, aiming four lights at the crowd.

With the crowd suitably pumped up Thrice took the stage. Smoke from a fog machine filled the stage and Thrice put Stage AE’s lighting system to good use. The band had a slow buildup as they played a mix of their new album and past albums, before playing their new single “Black Honey”. The song elicited cheers as the crowd listened to lead singer Dustin Kensrue belt out the lyrics “I do what I want, I do what I please”. The crowd’s enthusiasm continued to grow as the band culminated the night with its encore. The encore consisted of three songs, “The Artist in the Ambulance” “Deadbolt” and “The Earth Will Shake”.

To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere was released through Vagrant Records and marks Thrice’s first number one album on Billboard’s charts. Thrice is currently continuing their tour on the wes


La Dispute

Nothing, Nowhere

Thrice Setlist Stage AE, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Fall 2016

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